This morning was my 3rd day sitting in on the Clio Conference. In the last 3 days, I have felt a surplus of inspiration from legal innovators, lawyers, non-lawyers, justice seekers, book authors, business CEOs, and more. When choosing which courses to sit in on and which to opt out of, I noticed a common trend. To name a few, the sessions I sat in focused on next-generation leadership, forward thinking, growth through adversity, creating mission-driven firms, and exploring the science of success.
The theme of all these? I see community at the forefront. The core of it all: people inspiring one another, people helping one another, and people growing with/ alongside one another.
I asked myself to return to the foundation of what brought me here. To this industry, sitting in these sessions, with world-changers and passion-invokers. When thinking about growth, mission, purpose, success, leadership – what comes to mind are the people leading the charges. I think about the individuals who decided to share their idea and collaborate with the encouragers as well as the challengers.
I think about how it took one thought leader to sit in a room with their peers and colleagues and say, ‘I don’t see this working. What if we tried this instead?’ Behind them, a group of hands pushing their rock up the mountain. Behind these ideas, I envision countless communities coming alongside one another, and, the bi-product of bravery from person to speak up and look at things differently, a whole room of inspired individuals now more likely to innovate alongside them.Continue Reading The core task of innovation: relationships